Cloud Computing and E-Learning Technologies


Computer science (information security) and electronic development supervisor at Ibdaa for training and consulting


 (Cloud Computing and E-Learning Technologies) With the beginning of the twenty-first century and the revolution of communication and information has become clear impact on the world has become a world is witnessing a revolution of knowledge and technological enormous, that revolution, which resulted in many modern technologies that provided a lot of time and effort, Positives individuals, institutions and companies can benefit from and our own education.
One of these new technologies, known as cloud computing, is a term referring to on-demand computer resources and systems that can provide a number of integrated computer services without local resources to facilitate user access. These resources include data storage, backup and self-synchronization, Software processing capabilities, task scheduling, e-mail payment and remote printing. When connected, the user can control these resources through an easy software interface that facilitates and ignores many internal details and processes.
The successful institutions are now working with cloud computing techniques and how to manage educational applications and flexibly and quickly from anywhere through the Internet. In this paper (cloud computing and e-learning techniques), what are the problems and difficulties facing the implementation of this technology in Egypt? In some of our educational institutions, and how some applications that use Cloud Computing technology can be used for E-Learning in educational institutions.
So the key question for this research was: How can cloud computing be used in E-Learning?
What are the most popular cloud computing applications in E-Learning?
This was called the application of a questionnaire on a sample of faculty members at Minia University and some teachers in public and private schools. The number of participants was 74 to determine their awareness of the importance of using cloud computing in education and whether it was used or not. The result was 84% Training on cloud computing and the benefits of its services, showing a lack of knowledge of a large proportion of faculty members in universities and teachers in the schools of the importance of the use of cloud computing in education.


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