The levels of Embedding the International Society for Technology in Education standards at the students of science and Arts college, Jouf University


Instructor of educational technology at the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, and an assistant professor in the Department of Education and Psychology at the Faculty of Science and Arts in Qurayyat, Al-Jouf University,


The current research aimed to verify the level of embedding the international society for technology in education (ISTE) standards at the students of science and arts college, Guryat, Jouf university, and comparing between the embedding levels of ISTE standards based on the various disciplines of the students in the college, therefore the researcher prepared and used the progressive assessment card of ISTE standards with educational tasks list, which simulate the targeted standards, after its enactment, it was applied to the research sample, which consisted from (292) students from all disciplines in the college. The results showed a low level of embedding the ISTE standards at the students of science and arts college at the simple level, which means that the level of ISTE standards practice for all students in general is simple, regardless of their specialties. In addition, the result showed that the highest level of practice was in favor of computer students, Physics students ranked second, chemistry students ranked third, mathematics students ranked fourth, English students ranked fifth, sixth was Islamic students, while the lowest level of the practice was in favor of business students, and in the penultimate rank came students of Arabic.  The research recommended the importance of the embedding of the ISTE standards in all educational practices in the college with the importance of building an integrated training program to achieve a high level of embedding. The research suggested future researches at investigating the level of Embedding the ISTE standards in all colleges at Jouf University and comparing them with different Arab and foreign universities


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