Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Program to Develop Performance of School Songs Sing-Play & Technology Acceptance Level According to Types of Representational System &Academic Ambition Among Teacher-Students at Faculty of Specific Education


1 Instructor of Educational Technology, Faculty of Qualitative Education, Minia University.

2 Lecturer of Curricula and Teaching Methods, Department of Musical Education, Faculty of Qualitative Education, Minia University


stract Aims of the current research were to develope some school songs play-sing skills and to raise technological acceptance level according to types of representational system (Audio, Visual, Sensory) and Academic Ambition (High , Low ) amond Teacer-students of music department at faculty of specific education . To achieve aims of the research, the semi-experimental method was used. Measurement tools were school songs play-sing skills assessment card, technological acceptance scale, representational system scale and academic ambition scale. Experimental treatment was the utilization of augmented reality technology. Basic research sample consisted of (60) teacher-students divided into 6 groups according to representational system (Audio, Visual, Sensory) & academic ambition (High , Low). Results showed the big effectiveness of augmented reality in school songs play- sing and technolog acceptance among all groups , Results aslo indicats the superioriry of (high technology acceptance) groups in songs play-sing skills and technological acceptance level in comparison with (low technology acceptance) , Finaly result proved that there is no statistically significant differences between (Audio, Visual, Sensory) teacher-students in songs play-sing skills and technological acceptance level Study recommends the importance of using augmented reality technology at all educational courses, To pay attention to the level of technology acceptance of university students by using modern education technologies to increase their academic technological skills during the study stage, specialy non-technology students which will enable them
to enter the professional and practical life , As well as taking into account different types of representational system among learners. Keywords: Augmented Reality, Technology Acceptance , School Songs Play- Sing Skills, Representational System (Audio, Visual, Sensory), Academic Ambition


Main Subjects