Typical of Flipped Classroom (Traditional \ Douple) and Their Relationship to The Development of Personal Knowledg Management Skills and AcademicPerseverance among Students Of Department of Instructional Technology


Instructor of Educational Technology, Faculty of Qualitative Education, Minia University.


This research aimed to detect two types of flipped classroom (traditional \ douple) for providing some basic skills in self knowledge management and academic Perseverance among students of department of educational technology, Semi- experimental approach was used. Measurement tools were self knowledge management evaluation crad and academic Perseverance  scale, First experimental treatment was traditional flipped classroom strategy, Seconde experimental treatment was Douple flipped classroom strategy. Research sample consisted of (60) students divided equally into two groups (Traditional flipped classroom group) and (Douple flipped classroom). Results indicated no statistically significant differences between traditional group and douple group in skills in self knowledge management acquisition .Results also indicated statistically significant differences between traditional group and douple group in academic Perseverance  scale for douple flipped classroom, Current research recommends drawing the attention of the teaching staff to the importance of employing the inverted chapter in the educational process, especially the double inverse chapter, which has an impact on the different educational variables. The research also recommends teaching a special course on personal knowledge management skills within the courses taught in the educational technology departments, Methods and methods that raise the level of academic perseverance among learners at all levels. Keywords: Traditional Flipped Classroom, Double Flipped Classroom, Self Knowledge Management , Academic Perseverance 


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